Face & Body Art
Face Painting info
The safest, most efficient painting
speed for children is around 10 - 12 faces
or designs per hour, per painter. It can vary
depending on the request, but it's the best
average for gauging what's achievable
in the time you have. Adult faces can be a
little more involved but we'll be happy to
advise on what will work best for you.
Set-up is very simple; each painter
needs a table space & two chairs work from.
Regular height is always best. Overhead cover
is generally required for most outdoor events to shield from the elements.
Suitable for ages 2 years +
equipment & products
Brands include GRIMAS, SUPERSTAR,
All glitters are cosmetic grade.
All paints & glitters we use are professional products designed solely for use on skin.
Face & Body Art
safe working procedures
We take this aspect of our work very seriously. We adhere to a strict professional hygiene code & hold full RAMS documentation covering all procedures. These are available on request. Please see below for our
general guidelines.
All artists are fully insured and DBS checked as standard.
A clean sponge is used per person to avoid cross-contamination.
All equipment is thoroughly cleaned & disinfected between events.
Brush water is changed regularly during a session.
Paint is best removed with warm water, a flannel & a little soap.
Children will always remain the responsibility of the parent, guardian or host. ​
Be assured, allergic reactions to face paint are incredibly rare.
However, to minimise any risk or sensitivity, anyone suffering from any dry skin conditions (such as eczema or psoriasis), contagious infections (such as cold sores or conjunctivitis) or a severe allergy (such as a nut allergy) should not be painted. Any spots, sore or broken skin cannot be painted.
Painting is always undertaken at the participants risk.